

You think that you know me

But I don't think that you do

You see, what I show you is a mere portion

Of what is truly inside of me


You see what is on the outside

But you are too busy hating to see in

Of course, I could tell you what lies within

Then again, some of you couldn't take the hint


I try, and try, and try, to be a good friend

But it seems as though that's not good enough for you in the end

It's not right, but don't worry it is okay

Because trust me, I won't let this stand in my way


I would be mad, but it won't do any good

But I was under the impression that you understood.

I would tell you I can't do it alone, but fact is I'm not

For the One who should be there, Jesus has already taken your spot.


He was there for me before any of you

And with Him I will see this thing through

He tells me that everything will be alright

That's why He's the One I talk to each and every night


He's shown me love

More than anyone could ever see

He's not like you

And my Father is not hard to please


It's funny, because I have always thought of you

But now, I am reborn, so now it's all about me

Why can't you share in my joy, now that I see where I want to be

But then again, with friends like you, who needs enemies.



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